To cite the hiaR
package in publications, please
Boshuizen, H., Lüken, M., Hafner, F., & Bogaardt, L. Dynamic Modeling of Health Impact Assessment in R (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software].
or use the bibtex entry:
author = {Boshuizen, Hendriek and Lüken, Malte and Hafner, Flavio and Bogaardt, Laurens},
license = {GPL-3.0-or-later},
title = {{Dynamic Modeling of Health Impact Assessment in R}},
url = {},
version = {1.0.0}
The hiaR
package is a wrapper for the DYNAMO-HIA
software tool. To cite the DYNAMO-HIA
software in
publications, please use:
Boshuizen, H. C., Lhachimi, S. K., van Baal, P. H. M., Hoogenveen, R. T., Smit, H. A., Mackenbach, J. P., & Nusselder, W. J. (2012). The DYNAMO-HIA Model: An Efficient Implementation of a Risk Factor/Chronic Disease Markov Model for Use in Health Impact Assessment (HIA). Demography, 49(4), 1259–1283.
Lhachimi, S. K., Nusselder, W. J., Boshuizen, H. C., & Mackenbach, J. P. (2010). Standard Tool for Quantification in Health Impact Assessment: A Review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38(1), 78–84.