This is a list of publications created with or about DYNAMO-HIA.
Modelling obesity outcomes: reducing obesity risk in adulthood may have greater impact than reducing obesity prevalence in childhood. Lhachimi SK, Nusselder WJ, Lobstein TJ, Smit HA, Baili P, Bennett K, Kulik MC, Jackson-Leach R, Boshuizen HC, Mackenbach JP. Obes Rev, 14: 523-531. DOI: 10.1111/obr.12029
DYNAMO-HIA–A Dynamic Modeling Tool for Generic Health Impact Assessments. Lhachimi SK, Nusselder WJ, Smit HA, van Baal P, Baili P, et al. PLoS ONE 2012, 7(5): e33317. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033317
Health impacts of increasing alcohol prices in the European Union: a dynamic projection. Lhachimi SK, Cole KJ, Nusselder WJ, Smit HA, Baili P, Bennett K, Pomerleau J, McKee M, Charlesworth K, Kulik MC, Mackenbach JP, Boshuizen H. Prev Med. 2012 Sep;… (link is external) Comparison of Tobacco Control Scenarios: Quantifying Estimates of Long-Term Health Impact Using the DYNAMO-HIA Modeling Tool. Kulik MC, Nusselder WJ, Boshuizen HC, Lhachimi SK, Fernández E, et al. PLoS ONE 2012, 7(2): e32363. DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.06.006
The DYNAMO-HIA model: an efficient implementation of a risk factor/chronic disease Markov model for use in Health Impact Assessment (HIA). Boshuizen HC, Lhachimi SK, van Baal PH, Hoogenveen RT, Smit HA, Mackenbach JP, Nusselder WJ. Demography. 2012 Nov;49(4):1259-83. DOI: 10.1007/s13524-012-0122-z
Standard tool for quantification in health impact assessment a review. Lhachimi SK, Nusselder WJ, Boshuizen HC, Mackenbach JP. Am J Prev Med. 2010 Jan;38(1):78-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2009.08.030
Comparison of tobacco control scenarios: quantifying estimates of long-term health impact using the DYNAMO-HIA modeling tool. Kulik MC, Nusselder WJ, Boshuizen HC, Lhachimi SK, Fernandez E, Baili P, et al. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e32363. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032363