The goal of the hiaR
R package is to provide a user-friendly interface to the DYNAMO-HIA software tool. It contains R functions to configure and run DYNAMO-HIA, and to visualize the results. The package also contains a Shiny app to interactively run DYNAMO-HIA.
DYNAMO-HIA (DYNamic MOdeling for Health Impact Assessment) is a generic software tool specially designed to aid the quantification step in health impact assessment. DYNAMO-HIA is generic in the sense that it allows arbitrary chronic diseases or risk-factors that fit the standard causal pathway of the health impact assessment framework to be modeled. The user can import and use his or her own data to add and analyze diseases or populations that are of interest to him or her.
Getting Started
Running the Shiny App
You can start the Shiny app with hiaR::launch_application
Running DYNAMO-HIA from R
You can run DYNAMO-HIA from R using the hiaR::run_dynamo_hia
function. This function requires a specific folder structure, reference data, and simulation configuration file to be present. See the hiaR
documentation for a detailed example.
You can install the hiaR
package from GitHub via remotes
User Documentation
The documentation of the hiaR
package is available at
The documentation of DYNAMO-HIA including the user manual, examples, and reference datasets is available at
Development Documentation
Make sure you have the right settings for line endings. If you open the project in RStudio, the settings are automatically set. Otherwise, you can set them manually:
- Open
Project Options
Code Editing
- Tick
Ensure that source files end with newline
- Set
Line ending conversions to Windows (CR/LF)
- Run
usethis::use_rstudio(line_ending = "windows")
On Windows, make sure that git config core.autocrlf
is set to false
We follow the tidyverse style guide for R code. You can use the styler
package to automatically format your code:
# Style single R file (has tidyverse style as default)
# Apply style to entire package
Naming of Modules
For R Shiny modules, use the following naming pattern:
- The R file with the module should be named
- Inside
, define the functionsmy_purpose_ui
for the user interface andmy_purpose_server
for the server - If possible, add automatic tests for the server functionality. The UI functionality is more complex to test and we decided to test this manually for now.
Any functions from shiny
and shinyFiles
can be used directly without the shiny::
prefix. For any other packages, be explicit and use mypackage::myfunction()
Before Making a Release
Before making a release, please change the default value for the release_tag
argument in the download_github_release
function to the tag of the latest release of DYNAMO-HIA if necessary.
The hiaR
package is developed by the Netherlands eScience Center and the Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM; National Institute for Public Health and the Environment).
Generative AI Statement
The code in this repository has been partly generated and/or refined using ChatGPT 4, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and/or GitHub Copilot Individual. All AI-generated output has been verified for correctness, accuracy, and completeness, adapted where needed, and approved by the authors.